
Hello light beings! I’m Kelly.

Within this blog you’ll find random articulations of health, happiness, yoga, and Chinese medicine from yours truly! Please comment and ask any questions that you have. I’ll get back to you! Ultimately, I’m using this blog to share the information that I’ve accumulated through study, experience and observation to anyone who wants that info at their finger tips. Feel free to also share any information in the comments section that would help enlighten me, or other readers. Through knowledge and loving intention is how we’ll make the world greater!

I am not here to sway your decision about a topic or manipulate you into seeing my viewpoint. That’s what the majority of mainstream media is ultimately trying to do. I am here to offer my knowledge, so you can form your own truths as we all move forward on our journey of self-awareness! No, I am not an English or creative writing major. Sorry for the punctuation or sentence structure! I’m a yoga instructor, an acupuncture physician & a lifelong student who is passionate about sharing secrets to health & happiness.

Ultimately I believe that we should take our lives into our own hands by learning as much about our bodies and energy system as we can. Because the mainstream media is controlled by a corrupt medical system, people are provided an unfortunate amount of biased and untrue propaganda about health online. Rather than throwing my hands up out of frustration, I’m here to join my brother and sister bloggers to share my uninhibited truth on our collective quest towards enlightenment!!

Each Post will be set up a little bit like this: I’ll offer you some info on a subject followed by an associated meditation or exercise. You’ll have a chance to not only explore certain ideas through cognition, but also a chance to explore them through practice!

Thanks for your energy and for your commitment to making the world greater! We do that starting with one person – our self!

Peace, Love, and Abundance!


Kelly a Bailey


Set the intention to make your health and happiness a priority. Remain receptive to any information that might serve your life – even if it new or outside of your comfort zone. To grow is to live. As long as we are learning new things and expanding our minds, we’re living!

Set your timer for 5-15 minutes. Lay in savasana. You can place a bolster or pillow underneath your knees if it is more comfortable on your low back. Come to a position where you can disengage your muscles to fully let go. Create a mantra to invite vibrations into your space to bathe in while you meditate. “I invite vibrant health and continual self growth into my life.” Repeat this phrase 10 times. Feel your body get heavy and your mind sink into a state or peace.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Cristina Means Bearden with The Red Fly Studio


Our Breath & Mother Earth