Tea of the Month: Daily Adaptogen

This month we’re featuring one of our favorite formulas: the Daily Adaptogen blend. This tea is a balanced blend of reishi mushroom, tulsi, ashwagandha, and licorice that is great for everyone to drink, regardless of their conditions (or lack thereof). This herbal decoction showcases some of the best adaptogens found in Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurvedic medicine.


This formula is a great “maintenance” blend that provides essential medicinal herbs that are beneficial for those with symptoms or those in optimal health.


Benefits of Adaptogens


Adaptogens support the way that your body handles stress. Some people consume adaptogens to manage anxious or emotional response to stress, reduce fatigue, increase energy, boost your immune system, and reduce inflammation for overall health.  Since we all deal with stress and fatigue in our daily lives, adaptogens are recommended for every one of our patients.


Benefits of Reishi Mushroom


Reishi, or Lingzhi, is called the “mushroom of immortality.” It has been used for over 2,000 years in Chinese medicine, and is still consistently recommended for its many health benefits. In addition to adaptogenic properties, reishi also is used as an anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, hypocholesterolemic, and antiviral.


Reishi is a warming and drying herb in TCM. As an adaptogen, reishi helps the body adapt to stress and give the immune system a boost. It helps calm shen, or spirit, a concept in Chinese Medicine tied closely to emotional balance. Reishi is commonly used to combat insomnia and anxiety, which can be manifestations of shen imbalance.


Benefits of Tulsi


Tulsi is often referred to as holy basil. The herb has a wide variety of medicinal, as it is shown to have adaptogenic, antibacterial, antioxidant, decongestant, and nervine properties, among many others. Energetically, tulsi is considered warming, but it has cooling effects on the liver, intestines, and blood. It helps to eliminate toxins stored in body fat.


Chinese Medicine does not typically use tulsi, but it is common in western herbalism and ayurveda. Tulsi provides balance and helps the body combat stress, reducing the physical and emotional impacts of stressors. It is also cited as having antiaging properties.


Benefits of Ashwagandha


Ashwagandha is an alkaloid-rich plant native to India, and commonly used in ayurveda. The leaves, roots, and berries are all used in herbal medicine from around the world. For our purposes, we use the root, which is a potent adaptogen. Studies have shown that ashwagandha is an effective immunomodulant that activates lymphocytes and prevents white blood cell depletion.


Benefits of Licorice Root


As with many of our other formulas, licorice root is featured here predominantly as a flavor enhancer. This formula uses a relatively low dose of licorice compared to a medicinal dose.


However, that isn’t to say that even a little bit of licorice isn’t beneficial. Licorice affects the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA), making it a highly effective adaptogen. Chinese Medicine uses licorice to combat nutrient absorption deficiency, and it has been shown to help balance the immune system.


Roots Apothecary Daily Adaptogen Decoction


The Daily Adaptogen decoction kit is available in our office, on our web store, and for pickup at the Simpsonville farmers market. This is an earthy, but easy-drinking herbal blend that makes a perfect part of your wellness routine.











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